Status Update

September 13, 2019

Status Updates (September, 2019) > September 13, 2019




This week the team continued working on the V2 API integration, which will enable the transition to Shelley features. There are a few V2 API endpoints that are still not ready to be integrated, but all of the available endpoints were integrated this week and the code is in the final review and testing phase. The team has also finished implementing modifications to the automated test suite so that it can run against the V2 API.

In the scope of regular maintenance tasks, the team continued working on reorganizing UI components in Storybook to better match the structure of the Daedalus UI.

App Platform

The Shelley models were developed in Cardano GraphQL this week, and are currently returning mocked responses for initial feedback and testing. Next week the team will be working on specific implementations to connect the API with the incentivized testnet node, forming the primary interface for the application platform, Daedalus, and the new Cardano Explorer. The design allows for local or remote datastores, leveraging GraphQL query delegation and remote schema to resolve queries from a common interface, served by the main Electron process or a standard NodeJS webserver.

The team also assisted with the Daedalus incentivized testnet design and development set up this week, swapping in Jörmungandr as the backing node for the V2 integration work, and refining the existing proposal for any Cardano network to take advantage of being developed for the mainnet fork. Additionally, the smart contract backend feature of loading contracts on startup was completed and is now ready for integration with the extended UTXO node client which the Plutus team are working on.

Cardano Explorer

This week the team continued working on the implementation of the new Cardano Explorer UI. The work on the ‘Home’ page design implementation is progressing well and should be completed by the end of the next week. The team is also finishing work on design preparation for the Cardano Explorer Shelley features. Views were specified for implementation in the Postgres database being built by the backend team, based on the model defined in Cardano GraphQL. This will improve the query interface for consumers and enables the use of Hasura with a simple configuration using a metadata table in the database.



This week the team worked on revising the database layout to better accommodate wallet checkpoints. Checkpoints are essential for supporting rollback capability, which may occur arbitrarily often in a decentralized context. The internal database structure has been reviewed so that it can support storing multiple checkpoints and navigating through them efficiently. The team is also wrapping up testing on the new endpoint (and associated command on the command-line interface) for the submission of externally signed transactions. Meanwhile, as part of a new agile process, the team is going through a recovery phase focused on improving the quality of the existing source code and its surrounding documentation.


The team is making progress with Windows support of named pipes, which is an important requirement for local clients on Windows such as wallets and explorers. A bug in the block fetch client was also fixed this week, where counting requests were off by one. Finally, the team has been making progress with their design document.


There is no update this week.


Benchmarking of the new node started this week, although due to space leaks in upstream code this is only valid for a short running time. The team is working on fixing this issue and hope to have it resolved next week.


This week the Plutus team updated the frontend to support new lattice classes for interval values and also started working on IOTS changes as requested by the application platform team. They also made some small refactoring changes and performance improvements to the Plutus Playground to increase responsiveness.

The Marlowe team worked on a new tutorial and changes to the semantics for version 3.0 and is also working with the education team on updating the Udemy course. Both Marlowe and Plutus teams are also busy preparing for some upcoming hackathons.

A new auction chapter has been written for the Plutus ebook and is currently in review. A new version of the ebook will be uploaded to various platforms shortly to include this new chapter.


IOHK is currently looking for talented people to work with us. Please see the IOHK Careers page for more details.